DKV UNPAS Bandung: Thinking Visually - David Armano

Arakanlebah, Komunitas DKV UNPAS Bandung

Thinking Visually - David Armano

at 2/19/2009 , , , View Comments

Berpikir visual, sebaiknya menjadi kemampuan dasar bagi seorang desainer komunikasi visual. Bagaimana membayangkan konsep-konsep menjadi sebuah visual yang ringkas dan komunikatif, selain menarik secara estetika. David Armano dari blog logic+emotion, membuat presentasi ini. Di blognya sendiri banyak referensi soal berpikir visual. Silakan mampir!

Darmano says:
Effective communication is everyone’s job—whether you are trying to sell in a concept or convince a client. Visual Thinking can help us take in complex information and synthesize it into something meaningful. In an increasingly fragmented and cluttered world, simple imagery, metaphors and mindmaps can get people to understand the abstract and make your ideas tangible. Find out why why thinking visually may be one of the most sought after abilities of the 21st century.

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